Animal Control
For Animal Control Services contact Newton dispatch at 973-383-2525. Choose prompt 0 (zero).
Frankford Animal Control is here to promote a humane community where animals and people are treated with kindness, care, and compassion. We strive to promote this through advocacy, support, and programs. Our primary goals are not only returning lost pets but also maintaining rabies compliance. Community outreach for pets and owners in need is a priority.
To this end, Frankford Township is proud to announce a shared service with Newton Town for Animal Control Services with Animal Control Officer (ACO) Jessica Vollero.
What does an ACO do? The Animal Control Officer (ACO) is the Official appointed to be enforcing authority for all violations of Frankford Code Chapter 8, Animal Control. Information concerning the control of dogs can be found here:
When do I call the ACO? You must call the ACO via the Newton Dispatch number provided above (not the Municipal Building) to report, for example:
- Lost dogs/cats/pets
- Loose domestic animal
- Injured wildlife
- Animal abuse
How do I contact the ACO? You call dispatch at (973) 383-2525, choose prompt 0 (zero), and provide the information they request. The ACO will then be contacted.
Normal working hours:
Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for routine and non-routine problems, questions, or issues reported by the public or Frankford Township.
Outside of normal working hours:
Seven days a week/24-hours a day for emergencies only including direct threats to the health and safety of the public by wild and domesticated animals or livestock, and/or time-critical welfare issues (not including responding to animal at-large issues).